Wednesday, August 6, 2008

7 months old

Auntie Nadia and Uncle Andrej came up for a visit on Juliette's 7th month Birthday weekend.We all had a great time, Juliette especially had fun snowboarding on the rocking stool with Auntie and Uncle. Andrej and I took shifts pitting the 20lbs of cherries i bought while Nadia entertained Juliette.

We enjoyed a barbecue at the lake with Haika and Dave. Including a delicious dessert made by Andrej (A Slovakian family recipe). It was a very nice evening.

On July 19th we went to
the river with a bunch of people for a picnic and tubing. Juliette dipped her feet in the cold water briefly. She is recovering from the shock in Auntie Angie's arms.

Well Iam excited to announce that her first word is mom,mom. She also has 2 more teeth up top. She is developing quite the little personality, we are enjoying every minute of it.

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