Juliette's Birthday fell on a Sunday this year. We decided to go to Vancouver for her party. Oma joined us for the trip. We went down a few days early and had a nice visit with Auntie Debbie who was down from The Yukon and her grand-daughter Tayler. Juliette loves spending time with them.
Her theme was Strawberry Shortcake ("Lawberry Hortcake") Her favorite! Anything strawberry and pink.
We had the party at Grandpa Gord's and Grandma Joan's. I made chicken Veg. soup and served it with buns. Juliette ate alot of buns with butter but no soup! go figure, I can't get her knowingly to eat any veggies. Thank goodness for smoothies and her favorite Pink Pancakes (made with beets).
Look whose got the crown now. Justin and Virgil buddy,buddy. Justin is such a great help with entertaining both the kids.
When I started making Virgil's 1st Birthday cake in October, Juliette asked me to make her a Strawberry Shortcake for her birthday. Well she talked about her cake every single day until her Birthday. I decided to keep it simple and make an angel food cake and dress it up.
Cousins help celebrate.
Juliette scooped up as many strawberries as she could fit on her plate.
Posing with her new cup and outfit from Auntie Debbie.
Auntie Mel takes a break from playing photographer to get a cuddle from the Birthday girl.
Little Sarah was so cute in her party dress.
I was so glad that Heidi and Devon could join us for Juliette's special day.
Everyone looking on as Juliette opens her presents.
Dawson is also such a great help with the kids. He stays close by for support.
Grandma M.J. made this beautiful quilt using Juliette's baby clothes and her picture. It turned out wonderful and will be a great keepsake.
Auntie Jesse and Jamie made this cute little teddy for Juliette. She named it Custard (after Strawberry shortcakes kitty).
Mom gets snuggles at the end of the day.