Hugs for little brother.
We had nice visits with the grandparents;
Darren's cousin Scott was down from the Yukon with his family so we met them in Vancouver and took the kids to Playland. Juliette was reluctant to go on the rides until she saw Cameron and her brothers running to them, and she joined right in with the excitement.
We had nice visits with the grandparents;
Virgil enjoys a little jam session
(Juliette did not take her eyes off the cake!)
Juliette is a very good strawberry picker, She did not eat one berry until I told her she could have one if she wants. We picked 80lbs.
Darren's cousin Scott was down from the Yukon with his family so we met them in Vancouver and took the kids to Playland. Juliette was reluctant to go on the rides until she saw Cameron and her brothers running to them, and she joined right in with the excitement.
She even wanted to go on the Ferris wheel with her Dad, you won't catch me on that thing!
Virgil was too little for the rides but he had fun watching the kids.
Darren's Uncle Chuck and Aunt Barb were also spending the day at Playland, they watched the kids while we did the good old roller coaster.
we all enjoyed dinner at Osaka's. What a fun filled day.
Cute summer pic with the wildflowers in the background.
My cousin Duane and wife Carrie just had their 4th child. We wanted to stop in and meet the new little fellow Kason, what a sweetie!
Oma and Opa were camping in town during Canada Day. We joined the celebration and watched a magic show and Juliette got her face painted at Voght park.
Sibling Rivalry
Juliette being the oldest tends to take advantage of her brother being smaller, its only natural.
The tables turned when Virgil got a hold of Juliette's Quatchi doll and sent it for a swim in the toilet. She didn't find out thank goodness.
Cute summer pic with the wildflowers in the background.
Juliette's spa day! I wanted her first hair cut to be fun , So she got to sit in a barbie car and watch cartoons. It was a piece of cake. They even gave us a sachet with her hair to take home.
She was thrilled to receive a balloon and felt like a princess!
Open House at Dad's work
(Highland Valley Copper Mine)
This is one of the giant dump trucks that he drives, can you spot Juliette underneath it?
Virgil's first attempt at getting his face painted, he is supposed to be a cat but could not sit still so he has random black marks on his face.
The theme was mini Olympics, so if the kids participated in the games they received a medal. Darren said her medal was much nicer than his hockey medals!
The mine made the official 2010 Olympic medals therefore they were able to keep a set to show and display.
We were able to hold the gold medal, Only by the ribbon. It was quite heavy, Juliette could barely hold onto it.
The kids cooling off playing in the pool out in the yard. You can get a glimpse of part of the garden behind them.
This is our baby hippo!
we grew him in the garden along with many other odd shaped critters, they are actually russet potatoes and they taste yummy.
This is our baby hippo!
we grew him in the garden along with many other odd shaped critters, they are actually russet potatoes and they taste yummy.